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// for 3 skateboarding teenagers, 3 singers, saxes, drum set, cello, e-guitars,
synths & live-electronics
// co-composer & musical director: Marcus Thomas
// Director: Birgit Grimm
#include <info> {
// Parzival SK8 is an adaptation of Wagner's Parsifal, restaged and recomposed in collaboration with teenagers from the Mellowpark Skatepark in Köpernik, Berlin. It was produced by the Junge Oper Berlin, which presents opera production for children and teenager.
// The libretto for Parzival SK8 was rewritten together with youth who frequent Mellowpark, adapted so as to represent their experience growing up, their rebellion against the boundaries set by adults and their pursuit of independence.
// Following the libretto, Marcus Thomas and I composed music and sounds, combining reorchestrated and electronically-treated sections of Wagner's score with our own original electronic, acoustic and improvised music.
#include <more_info> {
// concept
libretto = Steffen_Thiemann;
director = Birgit_Grimm;
dramaturgy = Martin_Brandt;
// visuals
video + Light = Felix_Grimm;
costumes = Angelika_Ludwig;
// sound, perfomers
composition + sound = (Marcus_Thomas, Hadas_Peery);
actors = (parzivalI.Madina_Ataya, parzivalII.Thomas_Franke, parzialIII.Kofi_Wahlen);
singers = (soprano.Nastassja_Nass, tenor.Joseph_Schnurr, baritone.Ingo_Volkmer);
musicians = (dir/guitars_synths.Marcus_Thomas, sax.Bnaya_Halperin, drums.Tom_Dayan, cello.Gregor_Fuhrmann);
sound_director = Torsten_Ottersberg;
@ Mellow_Park (Berlin.2013)
// commissioned & produced by
Junge_Oper_Berlin, e.V/Mellowpark, Schlossplatz_Theater;
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