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Stabat Matres: comment choisir de devenir mere aujo - 2023


//  interdisciplinary performance for sopranos, actress, dancer & electronics; 60'00"

//  co-created with Celia Hoffman, Lola Giouse, Kinda Gozo, Marie Lippe, Zoéline Simone, Anne-Sophie Subilia

Stabant Matres: choisir de devenir mère aujourd'hui?

HLeft Unattended- 2023


//  for amplified trumpet, voice, accordion, contrabass & objects ; 15'00"

Left Unattended

Is There Really No Alternative? - 2022


//  performance for 4 dancers using voice and objects by Michal Samama; 75'00"

60 Seconds - 2022


//  for live electronic installation; 20'00"

Creatures of Kottbus- 2021


//  for flute, bass clarinet, violin, cello, fixed media & visuals; 10'30"

//  texts by Sarah Fartuun Heinze

//  co-conceived with Sarah Fartuun Heinze

Is There Really No Alternative? - 2020


//  for flute, clarinet (b. cl), piano, violin, violoncello; 11'00"

60 Seconds - 2020


//  for piano & live electronics; 1'00"

The Aesthetics of IMpending Catastrophe - 2019


//  for 24-channel live electronics & installation; 20'00"

HaZman Eino Poel KaShura - 2019

הזמן אינו פועל כשורה


//  for 13 players & live-electronics; 10'00"

L'Avenir Semble Interdit - 2018


//  for alto flute, prepared piano, viola & contrabass ;  10'00"

Zero Sum - 2018


//  for 4-channel live electronics;  12'00"

Zero Sum

The Spectre of Fibonnacism - 2018


//  for stereo tape composed using segmod; 2'00"

The Spectre of Fibonnacism

solo  &  electronics

Events are Events - 2017


//  for dancer, performer, live electronics & google; 25'00"

//  choreographer: Netta Weiser

The Secret Lives of Electro-Magnetic Transducers - 2017


//  for flute, trumpet, prepared piano, guitar, contrabass, live electronics & installation;  35'00" - 40'00"

//  texts by Alma Miryam Katz

Belle CAnto  - 2016


//  for 3 unreasonable performers, live electronics & light sensors ;  7'00"

//  composed with Ronald Boersen & Dganit Elyakim

Variations on a Theme That Is Yet to Be Composed - 2016


//  for viola, live electronics & percussion-installation;  8'00"

//  can alternatively be performed on alto/bass flute, cello, contrabass

Ozlat HaYad HaNe'elama - 2016

אזלת היד הנעלמה          


//  for quintet playing self-constructed instruments w/ sensors, live electronics & installation

      (and alto flute, bass clarinet, percussion, cello); 7'00"

Ozlat HaYad HaNe'elama

  Life Hersel- 2015-16

לא שוכחת לרגע את החיים עצמן               


//  for dancer w/ motion sensor & live electronics;  15'00"

//  choreographer: Netta Weiser

Perspectives on a Theme That Is Yet to Be Composed - 2015

//  for percussion, live electronics & percussion-installation;  3'30", 6'00", 5'00"

//  in collaboration with martin lorenz

Dreams and Nightmares  - 2015

//  for soprano, live electronics & teapot installation;  3'00"

//  composed for Ariadne Greif's multi-composer project

//  composed on sexist texts by misogynist conductors

La Danse Fait Elle du Bruits  - 2014


//  for 5 dancers w/ sensors, bassoon & live electronics; 10'00"

//  choreographer: Loïc Tozé

Hitbakuyot - 2014


//  for 11 players, live electronics & installation;  12'30"

Parzival SK8 - 2013


//  chamber opera for 3 singers, 3 local skateboarding teenagers, sax, drums, keyboards, e. guitar, cello & live electronics;  1 hr

//  (very) loosely based on Parsifal by Richard Wagner

//  co-composed with Marcus Thomas, directed by Birgit Grimm

//  a production of Junge Oper Berlin, Schlossplatz Theater & Mellowpark Skate Hall

13 Études de Légèreté - 2013


//  for 3 contrabasses, unreasonable amounts of live electronics & installation;  9'00"

13 Études de Légèreté

13 Études de Légè- 2013


//  for children's orchestra;  3'00"


Das Heer - 2013


//  chamber opera for 3 singers, scream choir, bass clarinet, percussion, contrabass & live electronics; 30'00"

//  (very) loosely based on Die Walk​üre by Richard Wagner

//  directed by Margot Zalite

//  a production of die Akademie der K​ünste Berlin & die Universität der Künste Berlin


II.Wavelets - 2012


//  for alto flute, prepared piano, viola & contrabass or cello;  6'30"

Écroulement Général - 2012


//  24-channel live electronics; 10'00"

Écroulement Général

Off By One Error  - 2012


//  for oboe (E. horn), clarinet (b. cl) & sine waves;  8'00"

Hebrew Lessons - 2011-12


//  for soprano, flute, clarinet, piano, violin, viola & cello;  16'00"

//  texts by Hezi Leskly

Quintet for 4 winds & 1 cigarette roller - 2011


//  for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, actor & live electronics;  13'00"

Quintet for 4 Winds & 1 Cigarette Roller

Attention Deficit Disorder - 2011


//  for flute (a. fl), clarinet (b. cl), prepared piano, violin & cello;  15'30"

Auto-Déterminationd- 2010

//  for soprano, live electronics & wii-mote;  4'00"

//  text: "Auto-Détermination" by Gherasim Luca



I.Sysiphus - 2010

//  for alto flute, prepared piano, viola & contrabass or cello;  5'00"

Very Sad Ending (or Comedy Poorly Construed) - 2009


//  for cello & electronics;  6'30"

La fuite obstinée mais néanmoins infructueuse d'un troupeau - 2009


//  8-channel tape; 3'00"

La fuite obstinée mais néanmoins infructueuse d'un troupeau

Le Gardien du Seuil - 2009


//  for 14 players; 12'00"

Le Gardien du Seuil

Trio  - 2008


//  for flute, clarinet and cello;  8'30"

BaEmek HaZe - 2008


//  stereo tape; 8'00"

Conjectures - 2007


//  for orchestra; 14'00"


© 2017 by Hadas Pe'ery. Created with

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